Reachway Church is proud to be a certified Eco-Church with Nazarenes for Creation Care.
Nazarenes for Creation Care (#N4CC) is a grassroots group of Nazarene clergy, farmers, professors, theologians, scientists, students, and more who are organizing, dreaming, and envisioning a better tomorrow for the relationship between God's good creation and the body of the Church of the Nazarene. Their mission is to promote infrastructural change toward implementing creation care locally, regionally, and globally in the Church of the Nazarene. They do this through educating, equipping and mobilizing individuals and communities of the Church of the Nazarene to serve, keep, and participate in the reconciliation of God’s creation.
Creation Care At Reachway Church
Reachway Church has taken steps to eliminate as much single-use paper, plastic, and styrofoam as possible from our Dinner Church gatherings. Acquired from various thirft stores, discount shops, and crafters, we use silverware, reusable plates and bowls, reusable cups, ceramic mugs, and cloth napkins, in order to limit our need for single-use items that end up in landfills. Especially because we serve a dinner ever week, this practice has not only drastically reduced our waste, but it has also saved us hundreds of dollars that we did not have to spend on replenishing a stockpile of single-use items. This does mean that someone needs to wash the dishes, but like Pastor Seth says, “Water falls from the sky; styrofoam does not.”
“We are now God’s stewards. We are indebted to him for all we have…. A steward is not at liberty to use what is lodged in his hands as he pleases, but as his master pleases…. He is not the owner of any of these things but barely entrusted with them by another… now this is exactly the case of everyone with relation to God. We are not at liberty to use what God has lodged in our hands as we please, but as God pleases, who alone is the possessor of heaven and earth and the Lord of every creature…. [God] entrusts us with [this world’s goods] on this express condition, that we use them only as our Master’s goods, and according to the particular directions which he has given us in his Word.”
John Wesley, Sermon 51, “The Good Steward,” §II.1, Works 2:283-84